Monday, September 12, 2016

Caden's First Day of 1st Grade

It felt like our Summer just flew by.  I cannot believe we are already into the swing of the new school year, and I can't believe Caden is already in first grade.

The week after we got home from San Diego, we spent quite a bit of time watching the Olympics.  Annabelle loved watching the gymnastics, and Caden loved the swimming.  Here's a selfie on the couch one day.
Caden met his teacher Mrs. Kern the day before classes started.  I'm the room mom, so I've been so busy the last month.  Thankfully, the majority of my duties are complete! 
Caden ready to head to school.
Caden and Annabelle on our front steps. 
A family pic after opening chapel.
Caden and Daddy. 
Caden and Mommy in his classroom.
Annabelle had to wait three weeks until her school started the Thursday after Labor Day.  So Annabelle and I headed to Starbucks for a treat to kick off our three weeks of Mommy and Annabelle time.
I hosted a baby shower at my house for my college best friend and roommate, Meredith.  She's expecting her [surprise] second.  Jonah her first is Caden's age, so she had gotten rid of all of her baby stuff.  I was happy to be able to host something for her.  Annabelle helped me decorate the cake.
The finished product.  Her nursery theme is elephants. 
The food table.
I made this diaper cake for her, too. 
Meredith and I after the shower.  
Meredith, her Mom Betty Ann, and her sister Allison. 

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