Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Trip to the Zoo

Annabelle and I went to the zoo Friday before last with her friend Belle and her mom, Kira.  The girls had so much fun.  Annabelle has been asking to go to the zoo since mid-summer, but I refused to go when it was 100+ degrees.
Annabelle loves to climb and jump, so it's not surprising that that's what she does on the statues at the zoo.

A close up meeting with the Mandrill. 
We love going to the encounters.  We saw an encounter with a Black Stork. 
One of our favorites is the Lion encounter. 

It's so fun to get to see them so close. 

The girls wanted to feed the giraffes. 

We rode the monorail.

Annabelle checking out the gorilla. 

Two monkeys climbing on the elephant statues. 
Annabelle loves "driving" this jeep. 
Annabelle asks to go to gymnastics practically daily.  Here is a pic of her in class practicing walking sideways on the beam. 
Trying to climb the rope. 
They're replacing the main sewer line on our street, so they've been digging up our street.  The kids love watching them. 
Annabelle was describing something to me the other day.  She was telling me how cool it was, and she said, "...it's cool, like a construction site, COOL!"  Ha, only a little girl with a big brother would use that analogy. Annabelle intently watching from the guest bedroom window.

We sat out front one afternoon after school watching them work. 

My latest art project is complete.  I painted cornhole boards to be Baylor and Texas, and I sewed Baylor and Texas corn sacks.  We are looking forward to cooler Fall weather to get outside and play with them.
They came completely unfinished.  Here's a pic primed and ready to paint.

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