Sunday, March 5, 2017

Caden's Field Trip to the Dallas World Aquarium

I chaperoned Caden's class field trip to the Dallas World Aquarium this past week.  It was so fun!  We had only been there one other time, and Caden didn't really remember it.

Caden and Henry Buja.
When we arrived, one of the workers was carrying a sloth around.  She placed him in a tree, and then we watched him slowly climb to his perch to go to sleep.  It was fun to see him move; I've only ever seen a sloth just sleeping.  The kids watching him move.
A close up of the sloth. 
Caden's class.  Back row: Henry Buja, Annie Pattison, Reagan McKay, Willa Lewis, Caden, Andrew Collins, and Mrs. Kern.  Front row: McKayla Horner, Ellie Bailey, Owen Jensen, Everett Horan, Levi Webb, and Maverick Penley.
The kids checking out the otters.
The kids checking out some fish. 
Another class photo. 
 Everett Horan, Levi Webb, Andrew Collins, and Caden in the shark viewing area.  
Covenant's Auction was the first weekend of March.  The theme was Gone Country, so I bought my first pair of cowboy boots, and Brian pulled out his pair from high school.  A pic, curtesy of Annabelle, before we headed to the party.

A pic from the auction.  Brian, Laura, Brooke Penley, Bryan Penley, Hilary Baker, and Bryan Baker.  It was a fun night.  Hilary Baker and I have agreed to a two year role for the auction.  In 2018, we will be in charge of solicitation, basically learning the ropes, and then in 2019, we will be in charge of the whole auction.  It's a big undertaking, but the proceeds from the auction support the scholarship fund.  One third of Covenants' students receive some form of financial aide, and that's one thing that we really love about the school. 

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