Saturday, March 18, 2017

Spring Break 2017

Brian was out of town for work over Spring Break, so I decided to take the kids and head to Nana and Papa's house for a few days.  Brian was gone for a total of 8 days, and spent time in Hong Kong and Singapore. 

We headed to the Tyler Zoo one day.  A group selfie to start the day.
Annabelle, Papal, and Caden with the longhorn in the background.
The wisteria and azaleas were in full bloom.  It was beautiful. 
Up close and personal with the white tiger. 
The kids favorite part was feeding the parakeets. 
Caden was hesitant at first to actually hold a bird on his stick. 

The following day, we headed to the Children's Science Museum.  We had never been, and the kids had fun.  There was a NASA area. 

An Ancient Egypt area.
They had a whole area that was a miniature city.  The kids could pretend to have different jobs around town.  Annabelle pretending to film a tv cooking show. 

Annabelle pretending to take care of a baby in the hospital.
Caden working at the bank. 
We came home for the second half of Spring Break.  My college roommate and her kids came over one day.  Annabelle just love little Asher.
The morning after Brian returned home from his 8 day trip, Annabelle gave him a hug.  She said, "Daddy I just want to hug you all day long!"

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