Sunday, December 31, 2017

Juillerat Christmas

We headed over to Tyler for a long weekend the weekend after Christmas. 

Nana wanted to take a few family pictures.  The whole family. 

Nana, Papa, and the grandkids.
Just the kiddos; Abby, Jack, Caden, Annabelle, Hallie, and James. 
Bob's family. 
Our family.

Nana and Papa with their kids. 
Once we were done with family pictures, it was time to open presents.  The kids in front of the tree.
Mommy and Annabelle ready to open presents. 
Caden and Jack had fun shooting a bow and arrow and a bb gun at targets in the backyard and in the woods behind Nana and Papa's house. 
Annabelle, Abby, and Hallie playing a game. 
Hallie and Annabelle had so much fun playing with Violet. 

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