Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Start of Basketball Season

Caden is playing, and Brian is coaching, basketball again this season.  They had two games in December to seed the teams, and then they will bracket them according to ability.  Hopefully, this will make all the games competitive.  Caden had one game last year when the other team was winning so badly that the refs turned the scoreboard off.  Although, through two games, these boys really seem to have improved significantly from last year.

I was scorekeeper the first game, so I was unable to take any pictures.  But Caden led his team in scoring with 4 points the first week, and his team won 13-12.  The second game, they played one of the other Covenant teams.  Caden played great again.  Here he is attempting a free throw.  He scored 1 point, and his team won (14-11) in an exciting come from behind victory.
Two of the Tue/Thu Explorer girls hosted an ornament exchange Christmas party one Friday morning.  It was so much fun!  The girls ready for the exchange.
All the girls lined up with their ornaments after the exchange.  Back row: Bailey Shannon, Ann Elise Goebel, Adelaide Breed, Lily Stewart, Hadley Sullivan, Brooke Stevens, and Lily Pace; front row: Gentry Lewis, Zoey Seale, Audrey Thomason, Ann Holland Crow, Abby Hawk, and Annabelle.
Decorating cookies. 
Annabelle and I went to see our studio's performance of the Nutcracker again this year.  Ready for the show! 
Annabelle and I went ice skating with a few friends from school. 
Jonny, Annabelle, and Audrey. 
Annabelle did great for it being her first time skating.  She's never even attempted roller skating. 

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