Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter Weekend in Boston, Part 3

Sunday we rented a car to drive down to Plymouth. 
The kids checking the map in the welcome center before we headed to the Wampanoag Village and Plimoth Plantation.
First we walked through the recreation of the Wampanoag Village.  The recreation of their winter hut in the background.
Listening to the cooking demonstration and learning about what they used to eat. 
Grinding the corn into cornmeal.

Learning how the Pilgrims made candles in the craft center. 
The Plimoth village recreation, view from the meeting building at the top of the hill.  
The second floor of the meeting building had a lookout and canons.

A family selfie at the top of the hill.
Listening to "Myles Standish's wife" talk about her life. 
Annabelle checking out one of the homes.
Some of the houses had animals in the yard.  The kids loved seeing these lambs.

Then we headed to the Grist Mill.  Annabelle pouring water into the model to see how it flows to move the wheel.

Annabelle loved grinding corn.
A photo outside the mill.
Caden heading up to see Plimoth Rock.
Plimoth Rock.

Sadly, the Mayflower II (replica of the Mayflower) is undergoing a three year refurbishment, and we were unable to see it.  But at the dock, they have an interactive "Would You Stay or Would You Go?" exhibit.  Annabelle with her character card.

The kids "loading the Mayflower".  They learned about what the Pilgrims packed and what choices they had to make because of space limitations.

Trying out a canoe.
Plymouth had several painted lobsters around town.  Annabelle and Brian with one of them.

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