Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I finally got a video of Annabelle rolling over.  Here she is...

I secretly taped Caden playing with soap and shampoo bottles Sunday morning.  If you listen closely at the end, you can here him count to 8.

Caden went swimming today in our pool for the first time this year.  The pool is still really cold, but we heated the hot tub to a comfortable temperature and just played in there.  He had a lot of fun and didn't want to get out. 

After swimming, Caden found a pair of my shoes and had fun walking around in them.

Annabelle is 3 months!

Annabelle turned three months old yesterday.  I measured and weighed her here at home today.  She clocked in at 13 pounds and 24.5 inches.  Caden was 15 pounds and 24.25 inches at 3 months.

Here's her 3 month sticker picture.

And the progression... 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Annabelle meeting Juillerat cousins

Annabelle is 12 weeks, and I can't believe how big she's getting.  Last night, she went over eight hours without eating, from her 11pm dream feed until 7:30!  If she could start doing that every night, I would be one happy mommy. 

Bob, Rebecca, and their kids were in town yesterday to meet Annabelle.  It was good to see them all.  Here are a few pictures.

Annabelle and Abby

James, Hallie, Jackson, Abby and Annabelle 

All the kids.  Annabelle kept rolling over, but we caught her in this pick right before she went over again. 

Here's our pretty, smiling girl!

Here's some still shots of Annabelle rolling...still haven't caught her on video yet.

Here's a picture of Caden at 12 weeks.

We went and took Caden's 2 year pictures this past week.  I can't wait until we get the pictures in 2-3 weeks.  Here's a picture of Caden playing outside this week.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Riding a camel

We went to the zoo again yesterday with Nana and Papa.  It may be our last trip until the fall, since it's starting to get really hot.  Papa took Caden to ride the camel.  He, of course, was terrified.  Here are a few pictures.
Sheer terror.

By the time he rounded the corner to head back to the platform, I was there waiting for him, and he had settled down a little.  But he dove right at me and clung to me for a few minutes after he got off.

After the terrifying ride, we distracted him with a snack.

Caden had a lot more fun riding a little lamb statue.

Annabelle enjoyed her day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Counting and Rolling

It's hard to believe how big both kids are getting and how quickly they are changing.  Unfortunately, the one thing that hasn't changed is Caden's dislike for being videotaped.  He's getting so good at singing his "ABC's"; I really hope we can secretly tape him soon.  His new thing this week was that he counted to 8 all by himself.  He loves counting things; mostly buses and trucks as we pass them in the car, but he has been saying, "two, one, seven, eight" for a few weeks now.  But Tuesday night, as I was getting his vitamins out for him, I asked him to count and he counted correctly up to eight!

Annabelle turned eleven weeks this week.  Yesterday morning she rolled over from tummy to back.  This is actually her third time to do it (she did it once at 4 weeks and once at 5 weeks), but I think she's actually old enough to probably start doing it on a regular basis now.  I'm hoping to get her rolling on video soon.  She's still such a happy and content baby, which is so nice, since I tote her around in her infant car seat most days doing activities for Caden.  I took this video of her earlier today.  She had just been smiling, but she wouldn't do it again after I pulled the camera out...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Mother's Day!  We're so thankful to have such wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers!  We tried to get a good pic of me with the kids before we left for church this morning, but Caden had no interest in coorporating.

Here's a picture of Mommy and Annabelle.

And the best one we got of all three of us.

It was a beautiful day today, so Brian, Caden, and I hung out on the back patio after we got home from church.  Caden was busy "blowing leaves" again, so I tried to discreetly shoot this video with my phone.

We put one of Brian's adjustable hats on him.

Annabelle is getting so strong.  Here's a video of her tummy time from earlier this week.

My vegetable garden is coming along.  My herbs are doing great.  And I have 1 green bell pepper, a few jalepenos starting to grow, and 1 tomato...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Caden's first trip to the dentist

Caden had his first appointment at the dentist this week.  He did such a good job.  They were so impressed at what a good patient he was.  I'm so frustrated at myself because I completely forgot to take a picture of him sitting in his chair.

"Blow leaves, cut grass"...I probably hear those words about a hundred times a day.  Caden is very interested in anything that makes noise, but he's especially into watching people do yard work.  Tuesday mornings are VERY exciting at our house because three of our neighbors have yard crews come cut their grass.  The past few Tuesdays we have had our breakfast interupted when Caden hears them start their lawnmowers.  He immediately darts to the guest bedroom and sits on the bed watching them while repeatedly saying, "man cut grass, blow leaves".  He is completely enthralled for the 10 or 15 minutes it takes them to do the two yards.  So the past few days he's started pretending to "blow leaves".  He started using pool noodles in the backyard, and then today when we were at the park, he found a big stick and walked around the park with it for a long time saying, "Mommy, I blow leaves!"  Here's a picture of him.

Something very exciting happened this week...or rather it would have been very exciting had it happened to teenage Laura 20 years ago...I got an email from Troy Aikman!  Well, me and hundreds of other people because really it was from the United Way, but it said Troy Aikman in the "from" line :).  One of my old coworkers gave us an Aikman jersey this week.  Here are a few shots taken with our phones.

Annabelle is 10 weeks now.  She's changed so much.  I'm so glad that we're slowly creeping out of the newborn stage...it's just so hard to function this many weeks on the constant lack of sleep.  I've been so tired this week and really feeling flat out stupid.  I think my brain is just fried from not having a good night sleep in so long.  So it was SO NICE when Annabelle basically slept through the night for the first time last night.  She didn't wake up to eat until 5:45!!!  Of course, I'm so accustomed to waking between 3:30-4 that I still woke up at that time, but it was nice not to have to get up then.

Here are a few pictures of Annabelle from this past week.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sliding and smiling

This past weekend there was a 5k in our neighborhood.  It was a pretty hilly course, which is really tough when you are pushing a double stroller.  Brian and I shared pushing it, and I was very happy that I was able to run the whole way.  I didn't set any records, but we did run a little faster than I had anticipated.  At the end there was a fun carnival with a petting zoo, pony rides, bounce house, and slide.  Caden loves inflatable slides like this.  Brian took a video of him going down.

Annabelle is such a happy little girl.  She's smiling so much.  I still haven't gotten any really good pictures of her smiling, but I did get a short video of her smiling with my phone the other night.

Here's a video from about 6 weeks ago...Caden really loves anything that makes noise.  Since a big hail storm hit us last Sept, about 75% of the houses in our neighborhood have gotten new roofs.  He loves watching the men climb ladders and hammer up on the roof.  I took this video of him talking about his little toy man climbing a ladder and hammering on the roof back in March right after we got our new roof.