Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Happy Mother's Day!  We're so thankful to have such wonderful mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers!  We tried to get a good pic of me with the kids before we left for church this morning, but Caden had no interest in coorporating.

Here's a picture of Mommy and Annabelle.

And the best one we got of all three of us.

It was a beautiful day today, so Brian, Caden, and I hung out on the back patio after we got home from church.  Caden was busy "blowing leaves" again, so I tried to discreetly shoot this video with my phone.

We put one of Brian's adjustable hats on him.

Annabelle is getting so strong.  Here's a video of her tummy time from earlier this week.

My vegetable garden is coming along.  My herbs are doing great.  And I have 1 green bell pepper, a few jalepenos starting to grow, and 1 tomato...

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