Thursday, May 17, 2012

Counting and Rolling

It's hard to believe how big both kids are getting and how quickly they are changing.  Unfortunately, the one thing that hasn't changed is Caden's dislike for being videotaped.  He's getting so good at singing his "ABC's"; I really hope we can secretly tape him soon.  His new thing this week was that he counted to 8 all by himself.  He loves counting things; mostly buses and trucks as we pass them in the car, but he has been saying, "two, one, seven, eight" for a few weeks now.  But Tuesday night, as I was getting his vitamins out for him, I asked him to count and he counted correctly up to eight!

Annabelle turned eleven weeks this week.  Yesterday morning she rolled over from tummy to back.  This is actually her third time to do it (she did it once at 4 weeks and once at 5 weeks), but I think she's actually old enough to probably start doing it on a regular basis now.  I'm hoping to get her rolling on video soon.  She's still such a happy and content baby, which is so nice, since I tote her around in her infant car seat most days doing activities for Caden.  I took this video of her earlier today.  She had just been smiling, but she wouldn't do it again after I pulled the camera out...

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