Thursday, May 10, 2012

Caden's first trip to the dentist

Caden had his first appointment at the dentist this week.  He did such a good job.  They were so impressed at what a good patient he was.  I'm so frustrated at myself because I completely forgot to take a picture of him sitting in his chair.

"Blow leaves, cut grass"...I probably hear those words about a hundred times a day.  Caden is very interested in anything that makes noise, but he's especially into watching people do yard work.  Tuesday mornings are VERY exciting at our house because three of our neighbors have yard crews come cut their grass.  The past few Tuesdays we have had our breakfast interupted when Caden hears them start their lawnmowers.  He immediately darts to the guest bedroom and sits on the bed watching them while repeatedly saying, "man cut grass, blow leaves".  He is completely enthralled for the 10 or 15 minutes it takes them to do the two yards.  So the past few days he's started pretending to "blow leaves".  He started using pool noodles in the backyard, and then today when we were at the park, he found a big stick and walked around the park with it for a long time saying, "Mommy, I blow leaves!"  Here's a picture of him.

Something very exciting happened this week...or rather it would have been very exciting had it happened to teenage Laura 20 years ago...I got an email from Troy Aikman!  Well, me and hundreds of other people because really it was from the United Way, but it said Troy Aikman in the "from" line :).  One of my old coworkers gave us an Aikman jersey this week.  Here are a few shots taken with our phones.

Annabelle is 10 weeks now.  She's changed so much.  I'm so glad that we're slowly creeping out of the newborn's just so hard to function this many weeks on the constant lack of sleep.  I've been so tired this week and really feeling flat out stupid.  I think my brain is just fried from not having a good night sleep in so long.  So it was SO NICE when Annabelle basically slept through the night for the first time last night.  She didn't wake up to eat until 5:45!!!  Of course, I'm so accustomed to waking between 3:30-4 that I still woke up at that time, but it was nice not to have to get up then.

Here are a few pictures of Annabelle from this past week.


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