Sunday, December 9, 2012

Annabelle is 9 months!

Annabelle had her 9 month appointment this past week.  She measured 27.75" (90th percentile), 20lbs, 3 oz (75th percentile), and her head circumference is 95th percentile.  She also cut her fifth tooth about a week ago. 

Here's her "month" sticker picture.
A 24hr stomach bug hit our house this week.  Caden was sick Sunday night through Monday.  And then Brian was sick all day Saturday.  I didn't get the full bug, but I have been completely exhausted over the past 24 hours.  We're really hoping that Annabelle can make it through this without getting sick.  Caden had to stay home from school Monday, but I had a ton of work to do this week, so I had my laptop outside while he played Monday.  But he wanted to use his computer, too.
Last Saturday, we went to a Christmas party and took the kids picture with Santa.  Annabelle wanted NOTHING to do with Santa.  She started crying the second I set her in his lap, which meant that Caden had this really worried look on his face the whole time.
I finally got the kids Christmas shirts done.  I am going to try to get a picture of them in them later today.  Hopefully, Caden will cooporate.

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