Monday, December 24, 2012

Potty Training, Take One

I'm a little behind on posts...darn work projects, non-coordinating nap schedules, and Christmas shopping have been getting in the way of blogging.  After our week long domino of the stomach bug, we finally resurfaced a week and a half ago.  I took the kids to the Arboretum one day to attempt to take some pictures in their Christmas shirts.  Annabelle only sort of cooporated, and Caden didn't cooporate at all.  But we did have a nice picnic lunch.

Caden was only interested in trying to see the construction work being done on the Arboretum.  The darn fence was blocking his view, but he found a way to see over it. 
We had a very nice exit from the Arboretum...Caden kicked and screamed the whole way to the car because he didn't want to leave the construction site.  Then that tantrum continued with a solid 15 minute battle over changing his diaper in the back of the car.  People were stopping in the parking lot and staring.  I'm sure they were making sure I wasn't beating him.  I finally won the battle, and on the way home, Caden said, "I want to wear underwear, not diapers."
So the next day, we went and stocked up on underwear, a portable potty for the back of the car, and all the potty training accessories.  One day last week, he insisted that he wear underwear.  He went once, and then he tried to go while he was resting, but he wet himself on the bathroom floor before I could get there because he couldn't get his pants down.  When he woke up from his nap, I told him that we were going to the park and he needed to go potty.  He didn't want to and chose to put a diaper on instead.  I think the fascination with wearing his Mickey undies has worn off, and we'll be putting potty training on the shelf for a little while.

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