Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fort Worth Zoo and Tyler Rose Festival

Nana and Papa came over a few weeks ago to go to the Fort Worth zoo.  The kids had fun.  Caden hadn't been there since he was 12 months old, and Annabelle had never been there. 

Papa, Annabelle, and Caden on the carousel. 
Papa, Caden, and Nana in the stagecoach. 
They have two baby elephants there.  Both are a little over a year old, and they're so cute.  I had never seen an elephant that young before. 
We headed to Tyler for the Rose Festival and Parade.  Bob, Rebecca, Abby, Jack, Hallie, and James were in town, also.  Here are a few pictures of the parade.  I had never been to any of the festivities before.  The parade was fun, but really pretty long.
The dresses were pretty amazing.  It was a circus theme, so you can see the orange dress is a lion, the far right is a giraffe.
The kids moved down to the front to get a better look at some floats.  The kids thought these Chick-fil-A cows were pretty silly dressed up as princesses and firemen. 
Papa, Annabelle, Abby, James, Caden, and Hallie lined up waiting for the next float. 
The Rose Queen. 
A few of the floats lined up after the parade.  Caden was ready to go and had no interest in pictures at this point. 
The lobby at Great Nanny's had old festival dresses out on display.  Here's Annabelle in front of a peacock dress. 

And a dress that looks like Elsa, from Frozen. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Baylor Football Game and Kid's First Mavs Game

Meredith, my college roommate, and I headed down to Waco for the Baylor vs. TCU football game two weeks ago.  We had a small sorority reunion, and then we headed over to the stadium.  It was awesome!  When I was a student, I never would have imagined that Baylor would ever have this incredible of a college football game day.

Mere and I walking over the bridge toward the stadium.
A pregame selfie. 
The game was one of the most incredible games I have ever seen.  We were down by 21 in the 4th quarter, and then we came back to win 61-58.  Here's a picture as the students started rushing the field. 

 A post-game selfie. 
Our brick is located in the "B" of "BU" in the main plaza in front of the stadium.  Here's a close up. 
The night before I headed to Waco, we were given suite tickets to the Mav's preseason game.  The kids had so much fun.  Although, they did stay up about 2 hours past bedtime, which we definitely paid for on Sunday. 
Mommy, Annabelle, and Caden excited for the game to start.
Watching some pregame warm-ups with Daddy. 
Mommy and Annabelle selfie. 
Caden, Daddy, and Annabelle enjoying the game. 

Painting Pumpkins

A few weeks ago, we painted pumpkins with our neighbors.  The kids had so much fun.  They started with the pumpkins, but by the end they were painting their hands and feet.

Annabelle, Merley, Marty, and Caden. 

A little dancing after painting. 

The kids lined up with their pumpkins. 

I painted a few pumpkins, too. 
Annabelle loves having her nails painted.  One day during rest time, when I was on the computer, I noticed how incredibly quiet she had gotten.  I went to check on her, since I knew there were only two options: asleep or causing trouble.  Unfortunately, it was the latter.  She had gone to my bathroom, climbed on the counter, and gotten ahold of some nail polish.  She took it back to her room to paint her nails.  I found her with the polish all over her hands and feet and a fair amount on the carpet and hardwoods.  I was not happy; but after about 30 minutes of frantic cleaning, all the polish did come off the carpet and wood floor.  After the cleanup, I took a picture of her mani-pedi.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


On October 1st, we went to a wildlife ranch called Sharkarosa with our neighbors and a few of their friends.  It took about an hour for us to get there, but the kids had fun.  We took a private tour; it was quite informative.
First we learned about Lemurs.

Then we learned about kangaroos.  This male stood up for us; I had never seen a kangaroo do this.  He was about 6 feet tall. 
We got to see a joey up close.  Each of the kids had a chance to pet his tail. 

Marty, Caden, Annabelle, and a few other kids with the joey. 
Caden petting a lemur. 
After a few encounters, we boarded a train to see more animals. Caden, Marty, and Annabelle on the train ready to observe some animals. 
a ZeDonk. 
A Zorse. 
Caden checking out the zebras. 

A barrel train ride. 
They also got to pet a snake. 
An attempt to get their picture with the sloths. 
 A selfie in the barrel train. 

Various September 2014 Pictures

We've been enjoying our Fall and the nicer temperatures.  Here are a few various pictures from the last week of September.

The kids in their matching owl outfits that I made for them.
The kids graduated to the next level in swimming a few weeks ago. 

The kids love to color.  They decided to color themselves. 
We went to the zoo a few weeks ago, and Annabelle had fun feeding a flamingo during one of the animal encounters. 
The kids on the elephant statues. 

The pumpkins are out at the Arboretum.  I haven't had a chance to take both kids for pictures yet, but I did take Annabelle when Caden was in school one day.  Silly girl climbing on the huge pumpkin. 

We went to a hibachi steakhouse to celebrate Tia's birthday a few weeks ago.  Annabelle was a little unsure at first and wanted to sit with Daddy. 
Caden thought it was awesome.