Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Various September 2014 Pictures

We've been enjoying our Fall and the nicer temperatures.  Here are a few various pictures from the last week of September.

The kids in their matching owl outfits that I made for them.
The kids graduated to the next level in swimming a few weeks ago. 

The kids love to color.  They decided to color themselves. 
We went to the zoo a few weeks ago, and Annabelle had fun feeding a flamingo during one of the animal encounters. 
The kids on the elephant statues. 

The pumpkins are out at the Arboretum.  I haven't had a chance to take both kids for pictures yet, but I did take Annabelle when Caden was in school one day.  Silly girl climbing on the huge pumpkin. 

We went to a hibachi steakhouse to celebrate Tia's birthday a few weeks ago.  Annabelle was a little unsure at first and wanted to sit with Daddy. 
Caden thought it was awesome. 

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