Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Dominican Republic Trip, Part Two

Thursday afternoon we concluded our work with Esperanza.  Our Texas and Georgia group headed to a local resort for some R&R!

Britt and I as we are waiting to check in to the resort.
After checking in, we headed to the beach for a quick walk before dinner.  Here's me with Kristi, Britt, and Heather.
Breakfast Friday morning.
The Dallas crew in the water.
Kristi and I on a walk along the beach.
Friday night we all had dinner together at one of the resort restaurants.  I loved our group!  It was really fun to have different generations represented.  The oldest lady was Frances, who is 83, and the youngest is Britt, who is 27.  Back row (L-R): Kristi Reavis, Becky Humphrey, Melba Burrell, Amanda Wilson, and front row (L-R): Joanne Burns, Donna Segars, Heather Mustain, Frances Torrance, Britt Carlson, and me.
Our last lunch together at the resort before we headed to the airport.
Overall it was a great trip and a wonderful experience.  I am so glad that I had the opportunity to go. 

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