Saturday, May 23, 2015

Ireland and Scotland Trip - Edinburgh, Part 3

We headed to tour Edinburgh Castle the next morning. 

A view from outside the castle walls.
A selfie at the gate. 

Brian listening to his audio tour and the bottom of the long stairs.
Views from the castle were spectacular. 

A view toward Calton Hill.
Laura with one of the cannons. 
The Governor's house within the castle walls. 
The back side of the building that now houses a war memorial. 
The Royal residence on the left, and the side of the war memorial on the right before we headed into the center square courtyard of the castle. 

Inside the courtyard. 
Brian in the small room ("closet"), where Mary Queen of Scotts gave birth to future King James I of England. 
Mary Queen of Scott's bedroom. 
One of the living areas.

The Great Hall.  

A few pics with Mons Meg. 

Inside the small chapel within the castle.  It's the oldest structure inside the castle. 

Brian in the guard post. 

Inside the castle prison. 
After touring the castle, we headed down the Royal Mile.  We spotted this close.  I can't believe they misspelled our name!

After lunch, we headed to Holyrood park to hike up to Arthur's Seat.  There were some gorgeous views along the way. 

A view down to Holyrood Castle the water and the highlands to the North. 
We made it to the top! 

More gorgeous views on the way down. 

Looking back up at the summit. 

It was quite the hike.  I think we earned another treat at Mimi's Bakehouse!  This time we tried a Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Bar.  It was really good, but not quite the caliber of the cheesecake. 
Then we walked up Calton Hill. 
A view of the National Monument on the left and the Nelson Monument on the right. 

Laura up on the National Monument.

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